I have just read a post by PR blogger Sherrilynne Starkie in which she highlights a new tool which has been launched called InMaps Basically the new service allows you to visualise your connections on Linked-in, it accesses the api and creates a...
Read MoreAh, Twitter Some people still scoff at the supposed mundanity of many tweeters and the site’s alleged lack of visual excitement when compared to Facebook, but the San Francisco-based service is now five years old and has attracted a very...
Read MoreBy now, most bloggers understand how important guest blogging is to the success of your websites Gust blogging can bring you extra visitors, give you more coverage, and can give you the chance to get to know some of the biggest names in your...
Read MoreI love this case study from Mercedes Benz about its Tweet Race The premise is basically real people race cars that are powered by real tweets, the campaign created a lot of buzz especially around the fact whether the technology actually...
Read MoreWarning this is a self-promotional post from someone who is rather happy! I have just got back to work today after seven beautifully sunny days in Kos with my family and after going through the obligatory work related emails I stumbled across a...
Read MoreI stumbled across this video and I have to say it is one of the coolest videos I have seen in a long time It has been filmed to help reposition the Carlsberg brand I have to say Carlsberg have done some pretty clever executions over the last couple...
Read MoreIt was sometime in 2007 that I first began hearing my friends and colleagues talking a new website called ‘Facebook’ I didn’t get it Oh, I got the basic principle – that you could post photos of yourself and share details of your latest...
Read MoreSocial media is everywhere and it’s the fastest way to share information, making it the ideal tool for PR pitching as part of a media relations strategy There is so much information on the Web and shared through social media that journalists and...
Read MoreYou wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy – Japan is not only reeling from the double disaster of last week’s earthquake and tsunami – it’s on the cusp of a third devastating catastrophe due to the potential nuclear meltdown emanating...
Read MoreI was tweeted this morning by my good friend Adrian Johnson who was recently inspired by the PR Week Power Player list which is based on the original PR Week Social Media Power Players list The PR Week list has been created by Andrew Bruce Smith...
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