Here is an interesting concept – everyday we hear more and more about Facebook growing and I read a lot of posts of people asking for new features or making recommendations on how Facebook can change and get better.
This has prompted Venessa Miemis to create “The Future of Facebook” project which is basically a campaign to gather enough money together to interview a huge amount of big hitters and ask the big question “What is the future of Facebook?” Let’s hope it’s better than that of Friends Reunited.
For the record my view on the future of Facebook is that it will become a mobile hub that allows us to buy, interact, share and post wherever we are without us needing our credit cards. I also believe that to do this the ongoing battle with Google will be resolved eventually and the garden walls will be removed and we ‘the users’ will be able to share our content wherever and whenever we want.
I think this is quite a clever way to get the funding to do a video which is going to be watched by millions – so it gets a tick from me. They need to raise $5,000 and they have 42 days left on their deadline having already received $3,356. Let’s hope the video is worth it and doesn’t go on for too long when it is finished.

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