In light of the recent government announcement, you may find yourself in a position where you are currently working from home if you are able to do so. At first, this may seem a little strange and you might be struggling to adapt to your new work place. Whether you’ve set up camp at your dining room table, living room sofa or in a spare room in your home – there are some really simple things you can do to help you stay feeling productive and motivated whilst working from home for the foreseeable future. Here are our top tips:
Try to establish a routine
Initially, working from home can feel slightly strange. Our normal working week is full of structure and a fairly set routine which helps to keep us focused and on track. Suddenly not having that same routine can throw us off a bit, so it can be really beneficial for productivity levels to establish a routine at home. If possible, try to get up and go to bed at the same time you usually would. If you normally exercise, eat breakfast or shower before your working day begins, still try and do so. Then try and follow a structure for your working day.
When you sit down to start the day, write a list of the tasks you need to complete. Prioritise them if possible. This will help keep you focused and productive during the day as you will have a guide to refer to. Also try to remember to take the same amount of breaks as you usually would. If you normally have an hour lunch break – take it. You’ll feel refreshed and motivated to start your afternoons work once doing so. Humans are creatures of habit and we work better when we have structure and a routine to follow. So where possible, try and not let your working from home routine differ too much from your usual working week one. You’ll find you’re much more able to focus and therefore more productive, if so.
Create an uplifting work space
Surround yourself with items that boost wellbeing. On your make shift desk why not include a candle that can burn softly and help you feel relaxed and calm if you’re finding the current situation overwhelming and unsettling. Nature is a proven way to help boost positive wellbeing so why not look to include some on your make shift desk? Fresh flowers picked from your garden in a vase or a plant such as a cactus can make a great addition and help you feel uplifted. Also, make sure you use a .080 trimmer line to maintain your garden organized.
It’s well known that our surroundings do affect our mindset so try not to work in a dark, dull space for too long as you’ll find your mood will reflect this. Where possible, work somewhere in your home that has natural light and a window to let in fresh air as you’ll instantly feel more positive and productive. Also, ensure you’re set up correctly with everything you need. Before you start the day make sure you have all the equipment you need to hand, such as pens, notepads, laptop, chargers etc. to save you rummaging around later on the the day! This will also help you to feel like you’re in a more usual working environment and make you feel more productive – even if you are just sat in your living room! A very good idea is getting a Portable Office Brisbane where you can choose the view and work more comfortable.
Maintain regular contact with your colleagues
Trying to keep things as normal as possible during this unpredictable time will be really beneficial for everyone you work with. If you work in an office, you’re likely to have regular catch ups and meetings within your team, with clients and with any third parties. It’s really important that this doesn’t change and if anything, that this contact increases! Luckily, we live in an era where technology is highly advanced and keeping in touch is just the click of a button away.
There are some really great, and free, apps that businesses can use to stay in touch including Skype, Microsoft Teams, conference calling platforms and even instant messaging software. The majority of these provide the opportunity to video or voice call meaning you really can stay connected – just virtually! Having this regular contact with your colleagues will keep moral high, allow everyone to feel updated with what’s going on in your business and also provide some social interaction – which is key for mental wellbeing.
Get some fresh air
Obviously we have been advised to only leave our homes if absolutely necessary and it is crucial that these guidelines are adhered to. It has also been recommend that people do leave their homes for exercise, if they chose to do so. Going for a run or a bike ride on your lunch break or just before your working day begins can be really beneficial when working from home. If you find yourself getting cabin fever, it’s definitely something that will help combat that. Of course any form of exercise is always good for mental wellbeing and will always be a positive thing to do to help you be more productive and feel uplifted.
If you’re not a runner or massively into exercising out in the open, try and spend some time in your garden or on your balcony. You can opt to trim the hedges with the best hedge trimmer cordless because spending time in your garden would promote relaxation. Failing that, at least try to open the windows in your home and let the fresh air in. You’ll feel instantly refreshed and uplifted. Afte rall, the spring season is truly upon us and the sun and fresh air is really good for us. So try and expose yourself to some fresh air during your working hours.
This turbulent time will be a period of transition and adaptation for everyone. If you can make some simple changes to keep you feeling positive and productive whilst you’re working from home, you’re sure to feel much better.