Social media adverts come in all shapes and sizes, and understanding which type of creative works best for your campaign is important for you to achieve the best results possible.

Here we’ll walk you through each type of creative that is available, so you can consider what might work best for your objectives from your social media advertising campaigns.

What are the different types of ad creative?


Across each platform there are multiple different types of ad creative that you can use to advertise your product or services. The four types we will be focussing on here, which are the main ones to consider, are:

  • Static
  • Video
  • Carousel
  • Existing posts

Static assets

The default ad type on each social media platform will always be static assets. These are your standard singular image ads you will see whilst scrolling through your feed. Static ads are great for showcasing a singular product, or a designed piece of creative. It is easy for the viewer to consume and works as a visual aid for the copy.


Next, we have video, videos are used in the same way as static assets but allow the advertiser to get their message across/display a product without having a large amount of copy in their ad. This is the most popular ad type for bringing more insight and personality to an ad. Whether it is an animated infographic or a floating head interview clip, a video is likely to be more engaging to a viewer than a static infographic or a still from the interview with quote text.


The carousel ad type is the other option you will have when creating your campaign. Carousels are ads that use multiple pieces of creative that a user can slide across. These can be a mix of video and static and are used to add more value to an ad. You may see these used as ‘shopfront’ for conversion campaigns, this is where an advertiser will do a slide per product and make the copy specific to each slide.

Existing posts/boosts

Finally, there is the existing posts option. Here you are able to select social media posts/stories that you have shared and run them as an ad. The specific ad type is dependent to what the organic post is, so if you share a video on your feed and then run an ad using this (also known as a boost) your ad will be exactly what the organic post is on the feed – depending on the type of campaign it may have a call-to-action e.g., ‘send message’ or ‘learn more’.

Using the right creative asset is crucial to ensure that your ads perform well, engage your target audiences and achieve your objectives – this is where working with social media experts can be valuable.

At Prohibition, we work with a range of B2B and B2C brands across all sectors to create engaging social media marketing strategies that allow brands to stay up to date with the latest trends and updates. Get in contact today to find out how we could help you.

For more interesting articles from us check out these posts:

  1. The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising
  2. How to Get the Most Out of your Targeting for Social Media Advertising
  3. Why Have My Social Media Ads Stopped Working?



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