We have won a major brief from national estate and lettings agent, Your Move, that will see us delivering a digital campaign aimed at engaging with and acquiring ‘unexpected landlords’.
Your Move, which is part of LSL Property Services plc group of companies, is the UK’s biggest single brand estate agents, and has more than 260 branches across the UK.
The company briefed us to develop an online campaign that would support Your Move’s customer acquisition efforts, specifically targeting the ‘unexpected landlord’ demographic – a term we coined to better describe those who have become a landlord unintentionally, for example after inheriting a property or moving a relative into care.
According to Your Move’s research, this accounts for a quarter of all people who let out a property, many of whom don’t even consider themselves to be landlords, and often lack the specialist know-how of professional property investors, sometimes finding themselves overwhelmed with the complexity of the rental process.
In response, we created a ‘Tales of the Unexpected’ campaign concept: an online education and entertainment portal aimed at providing a helping hand to those landlords through their respective rental journeys, while sharing the stories of others who have already navigated the choppy waters.
Central to the campaign are two web applications; the first testing the user’s knowledge – and highlighting potential pitfalls – when it comes to being a DIY landlord, while the second calculates the potential time and financial cost of self-managing a property oneself, which, based on average UK salaries, can easily be several thousand pounds each year.
In addition, a number of Your Move customers were filmed for short case studies, sharing their own experiences – and solutions – when it comes to being an accidental landlord. Launching this week, the campaign will be amplified through organic channels, as well as via a concentrated programme of social media advertising.