One of the great things about PR is that you get to see how a variety of different companies work. On Friday we had the opportunity to join in a seminar held by one of our clients, Think. Think is a global innovation management company which helps businesses develop ideas or to use new techniques to think differently about how they do things. We were fortunate enough to be invited to a scaled down version of one of its seminars to “help us realise the potential” of the work that we do.
One of the great things about Think’s seminars is that they are fun. We were only there for a couple of hours, as opposed to the all day sessions that they normally run, but it was a great experience and we learned a number of great new methods to develop our ideas, even just to write them out so we could actually see them in black and white. Even though the overall goal of the seminar was something serious, they were able to conduct it in such a way that it didn’t feel like work.
I’ve always thought that if you can start a formal session by throwing a rubber chicken around the room and telling embarrassing stories about yourself it’s probably going to be a good one. This, of course, had a purpose. Doing something like that loosens you up and puts you in a good mood for working and makes you more susceptible to new thoughts, whilst the cookies and sweets that were provided were also a much needed bonus.
Overall it was an enjoyable experience. It was great to sit down and talk about your ideas out aloud as opposed to staring at a computer screen tearing your hair out. Think provide these sessions to help companies develop ideas, see their potential and move on to the next level. Hopefully we’ll get to be part of their other seminars in the near future.